Product Reviews

Reviews of products I have tried out and possibly recommend.

Chicken Coop Time!

I finally pulled the trigger and purchased a chicken coop kit from Tractor Supply! Here's how it went putting it together.

Why I upgraded to Nest Protect

I recently purchased three Nest Protect [] smoke/carbon monoxide detectors for our home. There are quite a few contenders out there in terms of smart detectors but I had

Euro Greek Yogurt Maker

Right now I'm really into making yogurt using my Instant Pot. I've had a few disappointing batches but am getting closer to perfecting the process. This week I managed

I've Gone Kindle

Anyone who hangs out with me for more than 10 minutes knows I'm a hardcore Googlian. I own the Google Pixel [], the Google Home

Asus Chromebit CS10 Review

Gadget: Chromebit CS10 Manufacturer: Asus & Google Price: $85 Description: A computer in a stick. Just plug it into a TV or monitor - add a wireless or Bluetooth keyboard/mouse - and