Life Hacks

Life hacks I am experimenting with, have found useful, or which have failed miserably. Proceed with caution. Not responsible for misadventures.

Make It Do or Do Without

> Use it up Wear it out Make it do Or do without. * Old New England Proverb I have a bushel basket in my living area that holds my chopped kindling. I like

Puzzle Table Hack

One thing I do to relax is: build jigsaw puzzles. Every year, right around Thanksgiving time, I set up a card table and toss a puzzle onto it. Building the puzzle becomes my

Fire Starter Hack

We've been living in our new place, nicknamed "The Hedges", for almost a year and one of my very favorite things about this place is our woodstove. Someone actually

My First Holz Hausen

It's the first autumn since moving back to New Hampshire that I actually have a yard. I love it. I loved it in the spring. I loved it all summer long.