The Hens are in the House! 05 Jun 2021 5 min read Home and Family My little clutch of girls has arrived and are now safely housed, fed, watered, and named. Also, this is what happens when you put your grandsons in charge of choosing names. So much fun!
Chicken Coop Time! 04 Jun 2021 4 min read Home and Family I finally pulled the trigger and purchased a chicken coop kit from Tractor Supply! Here's how it went putting it together.
Hope Springing 28 May 2019 Mother Earth It's never the cold cruelty of winter that moves us to stand tall but the gentle breath of spring rising, valiant despite it all.
Coral Reefs & Prison 23 Feb 2013 4 min read Social Justice On President's Day, we went to the Museum of Science. I haven't been since a young girl and was more excited about it this time around than I was