3DMcD Studio Adventure
Exciting news! I have embarked on a new 3DP adventure by opening an Etsy shop to sell a few of my creations.

Exciting news! I have embarked on a new 3DP adventure by opening an Etsy shop to sell a few of my creations. It's a fun, interesting experience, about which I know very little but am learning on the fly. I have no well-defined expectations other than trying to recoup my costs. At best, I'd like to earn enough money to justify my 3DP habit.
Opening the shop has definitely disrupted my 3D printing rhythm. Instead of printing, I now spend my spare time focusing on things like logo creation, domain setup, shipping and marketing materials, and so forth. Once the basic shop structure is in place, I should have more time for production.
I am kicking off softly with some diffuser covers I designed for the Young Living Dewdrop Diffuser. The design process alone represents an ungodly amount of time learning Fusion 360 as well as a plethora of failed prototype prints. I'm pleased with the final result and anxious to move on to the other ideas banging around my head.
As I mentioned, I am learning on the fly and excited to see where the path leads. You can take a peek at my progress at 3DMcD.com. I'll have more items that appeal to a wider audience posted soon but I'm starting where I have a known market.