Peace, Be Still
Peace, Be Still
The night descends
I'm lost at sea,
My compass spins
Master! I cry
In desperate need
for rescue from
This raging sea.
The waves crash in,
The winds prevail,
Carest thou not
for my travail?
Amidst this angry
Tide of anguish,
Carest thou not
I perish? I perish!
Master, I plead,
How canst thou sleep,
Whilst I alone
Doth fear, doth weep?
But Lo! What here?
I see Thee rise,
Thy hand set forth
'gainst my demise!
At Thy command,
"Peace, be still,"
The stormy sea
Obeys Thy will.
The perilous surge
Snarls no more.
The waves retreat
To yonder shore!
And then at once,
Thy voice I hear,
"My child, my child,
Why didst thou fear?"
"How is it that
Ye have no faith?
For while I'm with you
Ye are safe."
"Come, dear child,
Obey my will,
Be not afraid.
Peace, be still."
This is a poem I wrote while I was in prison and facing a particularly difficult moment. I wrote it over the course of two days. The first day I was despairing but the second day, I had found peace. The context is Mark 1: 35-41.